
Protecting Your Home's Roof from Storm Damage

 Protecting Your Home's Roof from Storm Damage    Construction,Home Improvement,Home Repair Without a roof, your house would not be home. A roof provides shelter, security, and protection from all outside elements. When your roof becomes damaged from those outside elements, like a tree falling on it during a storm or large hail puncturing through it, it's important to seek professional help right away to prevent any further damage. But who do you call when something like this happens in the middle of the night or on the weekend? Is it considered an emergency? What are the common causes of emergency roofing repairs? Below, we will help answer these questions to provide you with knowledge, so you will know what to do if something like this  happens to your roof. </br> </br> What is considered an emergency ?</br> </br> If a roof is allowing water to enter the home, caving in, or looking like a potential hazard, then it most definitely needs to be repaired

How The Third-Generation Nest Smart Thermostat Can Help You To Save Money

 How The Third-Generation Nest Smart Thermostat Can Help You To Save Money   Home Improvement While you might consider yourself content with a standard thermostat, it may have escaped your notice how quickly the monetary savings can add up when you use a smart thermostat instead. Here is what you can expect when the latest Nest thermostat model has been installed in your home. An introduction to the Nest While the Nest Learning Thermostat, to use its formal name, was first released in October 2011, this was only in the United States. From the second-generation model onwards, the United Kingdom joined the Nest party - and the third-generation product has an array of especially  enticing features. The Nest thermostat enables the temperature in your home to be tailored to a much greater extent than a thermostat would typically allow. For instance, the Nest can learn its user's living habits and adjust the temperature accordingly. Contact us to unlock considerable savings Here at Chel

Do You Know What the Future Holds? Hopeful Strategies for 2017

 Do You Know What the Future Holds? Hopeful Strategies for 2017    Self Improvement,Advice,Career I got a call that Mama was in the hospital in July. She had fallen in the store. Falling is not a good event. Falling at 79 years old was not a good thing for my Mama. I found out that Mama had broken her pelvis. She was in the hospital now. Her doctor did not want to operate due to her age. That meant natural healing and a very slow recovery. Her doctor gave her a choice of rehabilitation at her home or a nursing facility. My Mama wanted the first. We, the children, wanted the latter. We knew it would be easy for her to accept the first because she would be in her comfort zone. Yet, I knew she had in the back of her mind that she would never leave that nursing home if she went there (so many of her friends never left the nursing home). My Mama is an active person. Can you imagine being bedridden and not active? She had worked all her life. Depression sets in because the recovery is slow.